U-Target inspection

Written By Hardware (Administrator)

Updated at February 21st, 2025

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Repair ricochet damages to target rubber skin

In the event of projectiles passing through the target as they are tilted or otherwise deformed, they may generate large holes in the target rubber skins. 

If the large holes occur in the X-rubber, scoring issues are prevented by exchanging it.

If the large holes occur at the main target rubber skin, outside the X-rubber, the holes need to be patched. This is done by spray glue and a piece of adhesive tape, or fast curing super glue and a piece of rubber.



Inspecting the target rubber skin

The target rubber skin need to be replaced in these events:

1. Excess wear (large number of shot holes) at target rubber skin will affect scoring accuracy. This is especially important at the edge of the cut-out of the target rubber skin. This phenomena is particularly bad when the rubber sheet doesn't hold together, and coin sized parts start dangling.
2. As the target rubber skin is aging, its tensile strength will degrade. The target measuring chamber (between the target rubber skins) may eventually implode if the target is subjected to wind. Implosions can be temporarily be fixed by detaching, stretching and reattaching the target rubber skin.
3. As the target rubber skin is aging, it will eventually start to crack. Cracks may become holes and compromise the sound proof measuring chamber.


Cleaning sensos

Rubber particles and debris will fall to the bottom of the target. Some will pile at the sensors. 

It is recommended to clean the sensors at 3000 shots intervals, or before competitions. Cleaning is done with a soft brush, brushing off particles at the sensor heads. 


Do not use excess forse when brushing, thus dislocating the sensors.


Target service panel at the bottom of the target need to be opened to access the sensors (sensor bar). To open the service panel, FX target face and (lower) temperature shield first need to be removed from target. Also two rubber straps at the hatch need to be taken off. Please remember to put them back after cleaning.



Inspecting the target face

Target faces are worn by penetrating projectiles. They should be replaced if they provide a poor target profile for the shooter. Fixation nuts (at front of the target) must be taken off before replacing target face - if they are not attached with velcro (see parts list). 



Inspecting the target service panel

The lower part of the target has a service panel that can be opened to access the target electronics and the lower sensors. Opening and closing is done by operting the white rubber straps at the bottom of the target. 

Inspect the physical integrity of the service panel and its hinges/straps, and check that it's possible to close completely. There should be no cracks that sound can  “leak” through when the service panel is closed. Always keep the service panel closed and strapped, expect when servicing or inspecting the internals of the target.