Creating a new account

Learn how to create a new account to get access to the new revolutionary Shooter's Journal from Kongsberg Target Systems

Written By Software (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Create account

To create an account on the new KTS Shooter's Journal, go to

This will open a page as shown in the image below. To create a new account, click “New user?” indicated in red.

This will take you to the “Create account” page as seen below.

Please enter your e-mail address and your personal password. Then click “Continue”

Before your account is created, you will also need to go through and accept our Terms and conditions and the necessary cookies. 

Once you have read and understood the agreements, click on the blue toggle button (marked in red below) and then click the “Accept and create” button to finalize the account.


Confirm e-mail

Before your account is ready for use, you need to confirm that you own the e-mail address used to create the account. 

When clicking “Accept and create” in the step above, an e-mail is sent to your address containing a link as shown below.

To finalize the account, click on the link that says: “Click here to activate your account”.
You will now be re-directed to the page shown below:

This means that your account is ready and you can log in!


Log in for the first time

You are now ready to log in to your account for the first time. 
To do that, simply type your e-mail and password on the login page.

When clicking “Log in” you will be go directly to the profile page, where you can enter some vital information about yourself and possible organization memberships that you have.

Your name is the only required information, but we also recommend to add data about membership in a shooting sports organization if that is relevant for you. This is used to automatically store results to your account when you participate in competitions where Kongsberg eScore is used.

When you have entered all relevant information, you can navigate back to the home page by clicking the “Kongsberg Target Systems” logo on the top of the screen or by clicking the hamburger menu and then Activity.

You are now ready to start recording data to your account!

Further use of the system will be covered in other articles.