eScore release 2023-Q1

Written By Software (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 16th, 2023

First access the System Update page on eHub

1. Automatic download

The software update will automatically be downloaded on a range with internet connection (WAN port on eHub)

  1. Click Start upgrade to install the updates.
  2. After the update is finished the eHub will usually reboot NOTE: Do not turn of eHub during reboot, the boot can take 5-20 minutes to finish depending on the updates. 


2. Manual download

Ranges with no internet access can download files from internet and bring the files to the range and do manual upgrade.

  1. Download the 3 upgrade files (files are password protected, customers can send an email to to get access):
  2. In the System Update page on eHub, select Upload and select first file. Repeat this for all 3 files. NOTE: Important to upload all 3 files before starting the upgrade!
  3. Click Start upgrade
  4. After the update is finished the eHub will usually reboot NOTE: Do not turn of eHub during reboot, the boot can take 5-20 minutes to finish depending on the updates. 



Release log



New edit competition page,

Add/edit/delete shooters

Add entries in a competition from a shooter

Add/move/delete entries in a relay

Drag and drop for easy user experience

Protection against adding the same shooter twice in the same relay

Protection against editing active relay/entries

Read-only mode when competition is created from an external source (like Leon)

Support for using multiple shooting programs in a single session when creating, editing or starting competition

Possible to change shooting program selection on next relay

Improved performance for larger ranges

Shooting program results for users who is logged in on eMonitor will automatically be upload to eCloud 

Allow user to change setting for physical orientation of targets

Landsskytterstevnet (LS) WinGPS support

Connection state in eHub Status

Configuration in eHub settings

Added Swedish language

General input validation on input fields 

Improved reboot warning


Initialization of targets in eControl after a restart 

Load correct scoring definition for training programs

Shot log also show unconnected targets

Validation error when trying to add unit without lane number

Sort shots and detection errors by timestamp and not time in series 




Support user login from shooter’s monitor using QR code

Support dynamic locking of some monitor features/action available to shooter while in competition mode. 




Support user login from shooter’s monitor using QR code

Support dynamic locking of some monitor features/action available to shooter while in competition mode. 

Add support for the new revision of ITE with CAN Bus

Allow re-starting shooting time after series has stopped


Prevent shooting program actions being executed when not allowed